Daily Oil & Natural Gas Commentary2000-2500 word discussions, analysis, news and predictions on the oil and natural gas sector, published daily Monday-Friday between 12 AM and 2 AM. Articles include fundamental analysis, storage projections, and personal trading plan. |
Advanced Model DataIntegrates model data from the ECMWF, GFS, 44-day ECMWF-EPS, and long-term CFSv2 to provide a daily gas-weighted degree day (GWDD) outlook for the next 44 days. Model data updated throughout the day. Also provides a comparison between both pairs of short term and long term model as well as trend data on all four models. |
Current Oil & Natural Gas Portfolio HoldingsRealtime holdings and trade updates for my Energy Portfolio, which focuses on oil and natural gas ETFs and equities. I average 2-4 trades per week, which are sent to subscribers as Realtime Twitter notifications. |
Ask Celsius
If you have any questions about natural gas or oil fundamentals, my trading strategy, or any data on the site, please click the link above or send an email to: CelsiusEnergyFM@Gmail.com. For subscribers, I will try to get back to you within 12 hours. |
Disclaimer: Natural Gas & Oil Storage Projections, current Portfolio Holdings, Intraday Natural Gas Stats, Renewable Energy Stats, Morning Reports, and fundamental pricing models are released by Celsius Energy as experimental products. While they are intended to provide accurate, up-to-date data, they should not be used alone in making investment decisions, or decisions of any kind. Celsius Energy does not make an express or implied warranty of any kind regarding the data information including, without limitation, any warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose or use. See full Privacy Policy HERE. |