Near Term Weather

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GFS Computer Model 10-Day Forecast Temperatures & Departures

Forecast High Temperatures (2pm EDT)

Data Source: Tropical Tidbits By Levi Cowan

Forecast Temperature Departure From Average

Data Source: Tropical Tidbits By Levi Cowan

Natural Gas Total Degree Day Data

Natural gas Total Degree Days (TDDs) are a composite measure of temperature-driven gas demand that factor in heating degree days (HDDs), cooling degree days (CDDs), and population distribution. The numerical data displayed below updates 4 times per day based on 00Z, 06Z, 12Z, and 18Z computer model run data.

14-Day Forecast Gas-Weighted Degree Day Model Trend

Forecast total Gas-Weighted Degree Days (GWDDs) for the past 7 days of GFS model output are shown in the figures below to highlight the trend in the GWDD forecast during this period.

Detailed Daily Temperature Data For Days 1-7

Click each of the days below for detailed forecast temperature and degree day data and analysis for that date. Data updated twice per day at around 1 PM EDT and 1 AM EDT with 12Z and 0Z model data, respectively.


Disclaimer: Natural Gas & Oil Storage Projections, Intraday Natural Gas Stats, Renewable Energy Stats, Morning Reports, and fundamental pricing models are released by Celsius Energy as experimental products. While they are intended to provide accurate, up-to-date data, they should not be used alone in making investment decisions, or decisions of any kind. Celsius Energy does not make an express or implied warranty of any kind regarding the data information including, without limitation, any warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose or use. See full Privacy Policy HERE.