–>Wind Generation Vs. Natural Gas Demand |
Wind power in the United States has expanded rapidly this decade with total installed capacity doubling between 2010 to the end of 2015 with 74,000 MW currently installed. The six largest wind generating grids are California’s CAISO, the Pacific Northwest’s Bonneville Power Administration (BPA), Texas’ ERCOT, the Southern Plains’ SPP, the Midwest’s MISO, and New England’s NEISO. The maps below shows these regions and wind capacity by state. The six grids make up approximately 80% of domestic wind generation and these publicly available data permit a highly accurate estimate of nationwide wind generation. This data is updated on an hour-by-hour basis in the charts and maps below.
Observed, current, and forecast wind speeds are calculated using a weighted average based on current installed wind capacity. For example, Texas, the state with the highest installed wind capacity in the US, is overweighted while states across the Southeast such as Mississippi, Alabama, and Georgia with minimal installed wind capacity, receive very little weighting. Current wind speed data is updated hourly as new observations are posted.
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